Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Right Fight

So one day , near the end quarter of an 9 hour shift, an epiphany came . It said "write a blog you, show solidarity with Rocky and Ooi ..." .

Me dunno about the solidarity part, me not big on socialism; but me all for a good fight; and seeing that how two lil guys taking on the combined might of the government, mainstream media and Judiciary is not conducive for a good fight , me decide to do me part and choose a side.

Me pick the bloggers side.

Its not because me support these two blogger's cause (politiks is really not really me cuppa, ,me tried being interested , but me cannot pretend for long that me thinks it is important), but like me say before, me lose sleep when me see a fight that is not right, and me really like me sleep that me don't feel like losing it.

Me working shift , so me can't be walking to court with these two .
But what me can do is what me can , and what me can is to make up the numbers.

Someday, a munchkin might ask where was we when men went after butterflies with sledgehammer. Me don't feel like saying that all me was doing was looking for money.

Yeah me was looking for money...

But me also feel like saying ,that though me don't go out to change government,when me saw something wrong me did what me think right, grabbed me a keyboard and joined in the butterfly army.

Now that baby, is an answer I can live with ...

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