Sunday, March 11, 2007

The center and the rim

Before, when me was thought that me was becoming more politikal,me was concerned.

It was like looking into my mind and finding strange thoughts building houses there.

At first me assumed that it was false correlation.

That because me usually write me blog after reading political blogs (Malaysia Today, Screenshot and Rocky's Bru have pretty much replaced me more traditional option for news these days ), me views reflected some of the agitation from their writings.

But now me wonder, was me influenced or is there actual agitation.

All this while, despite the general dour picture painted by the internet media, me was familiar enough with perspective to understand that just because things look a certain way when seen from a particular point of view, it don't say all there is about the thing itself .

Even when there was a certain restlessness in me , me gained satisfaction in knowing that the source of this agitation can be explained by me choice perspective.

"I look through their lense and therefore see what they view" me thought.

That things were not that bad in reality (lousy yes , but not tragically bad ).

That this was but a period of necessary adjustment and the grunts of dissatisfaction correlates well with the halt in progress and expansion .

That me could , if me wanted to , shift me gaze and me view will change with the angle.

"I could" me thought,just like in the old days, but here me was wrong .

Me couldn't actually .

How to , when there only seems to be only one perspective in reality .

So much so ,that me sometimes not even sure what the quarrel is all about anyway.

Aren't both sides in agreement afterall?

Doesn't it seem me ask you , that what all the character of the center do is simply confirm the view from the rim .

Am I missing the punchline somewhere or is this one of those weird sorta comedy that one can only appreaciate when the joke is over.

(That election better be coming soon !)

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